
Matahariku ~ let's visit my blog

Isnin, 30 Mei 2011


OMG...I'm so sleepy..what time now? hmmm..3.30pm, normal la tu..he3...ari ni aku nk buang tabiat speaking owang putih..he3..bukan ape nk kasi hilang ngngantuk usual, this time I will felt very very sleepy..why? why?.. today having lunch at "Kedai Makan Barokah" for lunch today, try guest?..hmm..only Megi goreng & murtabak.. (Only? he..he..), I felt so fulled with food today..hihihihi..

actually I'hv lot a work to do..but when if feel sleepy, my work will be slowly, like me!..hee.hee.everthing jammed!, my eyes, my brain , my hands , my body..I'hv lost concentration to do any work!!! (oh no..pls help me!!)..

tgh dok tersengguk2 layan kepala..suddenly my bos dh terpacak kt depan aku.."eh suria I thought u onleave today? you on holiday right?"..dgn terkezutnyer aku..(cergas terus he3..) bos..I'm onleave last week la bos, today sye kerja mcm biasa dh.."ouh ok"..pas tu bos pun bla..even mata aku mata dh cergas balik, but concentration to continue my work still slow to do? update blog la..ha..ha..ha..ade mood nti aku smbung keje balik la..he3....chow la..bos dh panggil..salam..

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